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Showing posts with the label Undergraduate Scholarship

2020: List Of Undergraduate Scholarship In Nigeria

  Hello friends, welcome to the Schoolsmint education blog today I will show you  List Of  Top Undergraduate Scholarship In Nigeria.  Let's get to business honestly,in the past years I've once be a victim of this i tried surfing through the net so as to get undergraduate schorlarship so that it will be a bonus for me since my parent will surely pay for my tuition fees and i am aware that most of us tried as much to help our  parent also.Ever since the lauching of this blog a post concerning scholarship has not been brought  up on this blog so as of today thursday the admin of this blog is bringing us scholarship update  for the first time in order to help a soul like us who has been looking for this for years. Let's start with the category of scholarship in nigeria be it undergradate scholarship or postgraduate scholarship.Scholarship in Nigeria is of 2 categories; INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP (Sponsored by other country governvent) LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP(Sponsored by Nigeri