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How to Check If You Are Eligible For A Course In Any Institution in Nigeria

Hello friends, welcome to the Schoolsmint education blog today I will show you How to Check If You Are Eligible For A Course In Any Institution in Nigeria. I won't talk too much on this because it will always be in similitude upshot with what I've been saying all this while.So let's go straight to business since many out there didn't know that this topic exist and some think it is impossible. How to Check If You Are Eligible For A Course In Any Institution in Nigeria. 1 Open this link in another tab 2. Click 'select mode of entry' choose either UTME OR DE depending on your mode of entry.     3. Click 'select institution type' choose your type of institution.   4. Select the category of your insttitution . 5. Procced to select your preferred institution. 6. Select the course you want to appply for in that institution. 7.   Scroll down and fill your o-level details.Fill the first bo

2020: How to Navigate Through JAMB Portal

  Hello friends, welcome to the Schoolsmint education blog today I will show you How to Navigate Through JAMB Portal. Earlier this year candidate has been finding it difficult to navigate through jamb official website due to the movement of jamb portal from to Many candidate finds it difficult to check their result when the portal was enable for candidate to check their UTME Result,some computer operator who are expert didn't know how to go about it,also some expert among candidate who are willing to pay online for changing of course or for any other data correction for themselves or their friend before booking an appointment with jamb office in their statefind it difficult when i look out for information concerning this online i could'nt find any related information with what we are go to walk through in this post. As you can see in the picture above when you type in old jamb portal url this page is going to show up which tells you

JAMB Recommended Textbook (Materials) for UTME Candiadates

  Hello friends, welcome to the Schoolsmint education blog today I will show you the JAMB Recommended Textbook (Materials) for UTME Candiadates. Many candidate fail every year not because they didn't know it but they used to read what is not recommended by jamb some will even go out of syllabus I've one name for those people toxic movers and what they read is toxic to their basic knowledge they didn't need it at that level.Some even  go ahead and buy series of a-level text book and forget to read the basic stuff.I'm once a victim of this there was a year i read all those toxic stuff i didn't need do you know what i got? I got 236 and the following year i didn't have much time to prepare i just read all those o-level books and i got 277. I look out one day i discovered that many people like me are outside suffering because they didn't have the right material that is why i decided to help others out there who are a victim also . We will list the UTME subj