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Showing posts with the label e-learning universities

List of E-learning and Open Distance Learning Universities in Nigeria and Courses they Offer

Hello friends, welcome to the Schoolsmint education blog today I will show you the list of E-learning universities in Nigeria and courses they offered also the list of Open Distance Learning Universities in Nigeria and Courses they Offered. 2020 List of E-learning Universities in Nigeria and Courses they Offered 1. NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA - Elearning, LAGOS STATE . NOUN COURSES   2. UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI ( - eLEARNING), MAIDUGURI, BORNO STATE . UNIMAID eLEARNING COURSES 3. UNIVERSITY OF UYO (E - LEARNING), UYO, AKWA IBOM STATE . UNIUYO eLEARNING COURSES   4. USMANU DANFODIYO UNIVERSITY ( - eLEARNING), SOKOTO, SOKOTO STATE .  UDUSOK eLEARNING COURSES 2020 List of Open Distance Learning Universities in Nigeria and Courses they Offered. 1. AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMME, ZARIA, KADUNA STATE . ABU OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES 2. NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA  LAGOS